• The average cost of a data breach in the United States - $9.4M.
  • Cybercrime is predicted to grow to by 2025 - $10.5T.
  • Companies expected to be breached this year - 83%.


Our market focus is on preventing productivity drain when employees are personally impacted by a cyber breach.


Combatting Identity Fraud

With 91% of all data breaches caused by human error, employee training and testing is vital and often a requirement.  We provide a complete program to train, test and document your employees’ progress as they become part of the solution, NOT the problem. 

Our solutions are focused on protection, detection, and mitigation of both business and personal data and include identity fraud protection including Security, Monitoring, and Recovery services.

What if there was a solution which offered the most advanced components to combat identity fraud with 9 advanced security systems, 12 different forms of proactive monitoring, and 3 full-service recovery and restoration solutions encompassing three crucial areas: Security, Monitoring, and Recovery.

And, what if YOU could utilize this as an employee benefit either a pass-through cost OR a profit center?

Most people think identity theft or identity fraud is about their credit card or checking account yet there are 40 forms of fraud that can have a devastating impact on our lives. Our US-based specialists can resolve all forms of fraud. Does any other service offer this depth of service?

AND, if this program from an international firm specializing in 24x7x365 dark web monitoring and ID Checkup, uncovering any ID fraud the business may have experienced, including breaches from all three major credit bureaus, Innovis, Lexis Nexis, ChexSystems, Accurint, Certegy, CoreLogic, Opt-Out Pre-Approved Credit Offers, DMV and Medical Information Bureau while adding between $7 and $19 per customer annually to your bottom line - what WOULD YOU do with that windfall?

Identity fraud will impact 1 out of 3 Americans this year.  In fact, 90% of YOUR customers expect to be victimized. 63% will look to you as their financial institution for guidance.

Given the both the proliferation of bank cyber-attacks and the recent White House initiative to crack down on what it deems “junk fees” which WILL impact YOUR profitability, what if there was a way you could not only provide your customers with the security they seek, but also more than augment the revenue shortfall resulting from the White House initiative -

How about a service that provides a Certification of Training to the employees and business that can be used to lower cyber insurance premiums and satisfy State audit requirements. Security breaches, including ransomware and other malware attacks, are a reality. Employees ARE the weakest link or strongest asset in protecting your organization from these emerging threats. Therefore, it is vital to implement a comprehensive security awareness and education program to keep security top of mind.

You can achieve these goals and give yourself a leg up on the competition by offering an Opt-out identity fraud program to your customers.

Regulatory Compliance.

Many states require businesses that conduct business in their state to maintain and enforce Information Security Plans (ISP/WISP), Employee awareness training, and vendor assessment. Our program is designed to help business owners reduce risk - and often helps to reduce insurance premiums.

Many companies are unaware of their requirements under the myriad of State, Federal or International laws to mitigate data loss and report data breach events.

Penalties can be imposed by States a company is not even located in.  Our Regulatory response solution provides the direction companies need and MUST have. Why risk a regulatory fine when states are becoming aggressive in their enforcement to protect their citizens. States have collected billions in fines annually.

Can you continue to afford to handle this internally?

Penetration Testing

Our team of certified experts conduct real-world simulated attacks on client systems and networks to identify any existing vulnerabilities and use tools and techniques commonly used by attackers to provide a realistic assessment of YOUR security defenses.


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